54 research outputs found

    Analytical evaluation of QuantiFERON- Plus and QuantiFERON- Gold In-tube assays in subjects with or without tuberculosis

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    The QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus (QFT-Plus) represents the new QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-tube (QFT-GIT) to identify latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI). The main differences is the addition of a new tube containing shorter peptides stimulating CD8 T-cells. Aim of this study is to evaluate the accuracy of QFT-Plus compared with QFT-GIT in a cross sectional study of individuals with or without tuberculosis (TB). We enrolled 179 participants: 19 healthy donors, 58 LTBI, 33 cured TB and 69 active TB. QFT-Plus and QFT-GIT were performed. The two tests showed a substantial agreement. Moreover we found a similar sensitivity in active TB and same specificity in healthy donors. A higher proportion of the LTBI subjects responded to both TB1 and TB2 compared to those with active TB (97% vs 81%). Moreover, a selective response to TB2 was associated with active TB (9%) and with a severe TB disease, suggesting that TB2 stimulation induces a CD8 T-cell response in absence of a CD4-response. In conclusion, QFT-Plus and QFT-GIT assays showed a substantial agreement and similar accuracy for active TB detection. Interestingly, a higher proportion of the LTBI subjects responded concomitantly to TB1 and TB2 compared to those with active TB, whereas a selective TB2 response associated with active TB

    First characterization of the CD4 and CD8 T-cell responses to QuantiFERON-TB Plus

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    Summary Introduction QuantiFERON Ā® -TB Gold Plus (QFT-Plus) is the new generation of QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube test to identify latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI). QFT-Plus includes TB1 and TB2 tubes which contain selected Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) peptides designed to stimulate both CD4 and CD8 T-cells. Aim of this study is the flow cytometric characterization of the specific CD4 and CD8 T-cell responses to Mtb antigens contained within QFT-Plus. Methods We enrolled 27 active tuberculosis (TB) patients and 30 LTBI individuals. Following stimulation with TB1 and TB2, antigen-specific T-cells were characterized by flow cytometry. Data were also correlated with the grade of TB severity. Results TB1 mainly elicited a CD4 T-cell response while TB2 induced both CD4 and CD8 responses. Moreover, the TB2-specific CD4 response was detected for both active TB and LTBI patients, whereas the TB2-specific CD8 response was primarily associated with active TB (p = 0.01). Conclusions To our knowledge, we report the first characterization of the CD4 and CD8 T-cell response to QFT-Plus. CD8 T-cell response is mainly due to TB2 stimulation which is largely associated to active TB. These results provide a better knowledge on the use of this assay

    Higher Frequency of T-Cell Response to M. tuberculosis Latency Antigen Rv2628 at the Site of Active Tuberculosis Disease than in Peripheral Blood

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    RATIONALE: Due to the invasive nature of the procedures involved, most studies of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb)-specific immunity in humans have focused on the periphery rather than the site of active infection, the lung. Recently, antigens associated with Mtb-latency and -dormancy have been described using peripheral blood (PB) cells; however their response in the lung is unknown. The objective of this report was to evaluate, in patients prospectively enrolled with suspected active tuberculosis (TB), whether the latency antigen Rv2628 induces local-specific immune response in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) cells compared to PB cells. MATERIAL/METHODS: Among the 41 subjects enrolled, 20 resulted with active TB. Among the 21 without active disease, 9 were defined as subjects with latent TB-infection (LTBI) [Quantiferon TB Gold In-tube positive]. Cytokine responses to Rv2628 were evaluated by enzyme linked immunospot (ELISPOT) assay and flow cytometric (FACS) analysis. RD1-secreted antigen stimulation was used as control. RESULTS: There was a significantly higher frequency of Rv2628- and RD1-specific CD4+ T-cells in the BAL of active TB patients than in PB. However the trend of the response to Rv2628 in subjects with LTBI was higher than in active TB in both PB and BAL, although this difference was not significant. In active TB, Rv2628 and RD1 induced a cytokine-response profile mainly consisting of interferon (IFN)-Ī³-single-positive over double-IFN-Ī³/interleukin (IL)-2 T-cells in both PB and BAL. Finally, BAL-specific CD4+ T-cells were mostly effector memory (EM), while peripheral T-cell phenotypes were distributed among naĆÆve, central memory and terminally differentiated effector memory T-cells. CONCLUSIONS: In this observational study, we show that there is a high frequency of specific T-cells for Mtb-latency and RD1-secreted antigens (mostly IFN-Ī³-single-positive specific T-cells with an EM phenotype) in the BAL of active TB patients. These data may be important for better understanding the pathogenesis of TB in the lung

    Catheter-associated urinary infections and consequences of using coated versus non-coated urethral catheters-outcomes of a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials

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    Coated urethral catheters were introduced in clinical practice to reduce the risk of catheter-acquired urinary tract infection (CAUTI). We aimed to systematically review the incidence of CAUTI and adverse effects in randomized clinical trials of patients requiring indwelling bladder catheterization by comparing coated vs. non-coated catheters. This review was performed according to the 2020 PRISMA framework. The incidence of CAUTI and catheter-related adverse events was evaluated using the Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel method with a random-effects model and reported as the risk ratio (RR), 95% CI, and p-values. Significance was set at p 14 days) (RR 0.82 95% CI 0.68-0.99, p = 0.04). There was no difference between the two groups in the incidence of the need for catheter exchange or the incidence of lower urinary tract symptoms after catheter removal. The benefit of coated catheters in reducing CAUTI risk among patients requiring long-term catheterization should be balanced against the increased direct costs to health care systems when compared to non-coated catheters

    Il bilancio integrato per le PMI

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    Accanto ai capitali finanziario e produttivo, ogni impresa fonda il proprio business e il proprio successo anche su risorse intangibili, quali il capitale intellettuale, il capitale umano, il capitale sociale e relazionale ed il capitale naturale. Il tradizionale bilancio economico-finanziario, perĆ², non ĆØ adatto a valutare e rappresentare tali risorse, poichĆ© ĆØ stato concepito con riferimento ad unā€™economia industriale fondata pressochĆ© esclusivamente su capitali tangibili; pertanto, anche avuto riguardo alla realtĆ  delle PMI, si rende oggi necessario introdurre nuovi strumenti e nuovi indicatori per la misurazione e la rendicontazione, che siano in grado di cogliere e valorizzare anche le componenti immateriali del capitale aziendale. In questo contesto, il bilancio integrato si pone come una forma evoluta di comunicazione aziendale, finalizzata ad illustrare come strategia, governance, modello di business, rapporti con gli stakeholder, performance passate e prospettive future, rischi e opportunitĆ  consentano anche ad unā€™impresa di piccole e medie dimensioni di creare valore nel breve, medio e lungo termine

    Mixed Th1 and Th2 Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific CD4 T cell responses in patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis from Tanzania.

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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) and helminth infections elicit antagonistic immune effector functions and are co-endemic in several regions of the world. We therefore hypothesized that helminth infection may influence Mtb-specific T-cell immune responses. We evaluated the cytokine profile of Mtb-specific T cells in 72 individuals with pulmonary TB disease recruited from two Sub-Saharan regions with high and moderate helminth burden i.e. 55 from Tanzania (TZ) and 17 from South Africa (SA), respectively. We showed that Mtb-specific CD4 T-cell functional profile of TB patients from Tanzania are primarily composed of polyfunctional Th1 and Th2 cells, associated with increased expression of Gata-3 and reduced expression of T-bet in memory CD4 T cells. In contrast, the cytokine profile of Mtb-specific CD4 T cells of TB patients from SA was dominated by single IFN-Ī³ and dual IFN-Ī³/TNF-Ī± and associated with TB-induced systemic inflammation and elevated serum levels of type I IFNs. Of note, the proportion of patients with Mtb-specific CD8 T cells was significantly reduced in Mtb/helminth co-infected patients from TZ. It is likely that the underlying helminth infection and possibly genetic and other unknown environmental factors may have caused the induction of mixed Th1/Th2 Mtb-specific CD4 T cell responses in patients from TZ. Taken together, these results indicate that the generation of Mtb-specific CD4 and CD8 T cell responses may be substantially influenced by environmental factors in vivo. These observations may have major impact in the identification of immune biomarkers of disease status and correlates of protection

    Epilessia in gravidanza: nostra esperienza clinica

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    In questo studio abbiamo reclutato 33 donne gravide con anamnesi positiva per epilessia. Le pazienti sono state suddivise in due gruppi: il gruppo A, costituito da 15 donne in terapia farmacologica; il gruppo B costituito da 18 donne che non effettuavano terapia. Le pazienti sono state seguite per lā€™intera gravidanza, hanno eseguito periodicamente esami ematochimici, valutazione sierica delle concentrazioni dei folati e dei farmaci antiepilettici, ecografia ostetrica. Scopo di questo studio ĆØ stato analizzare lā€™andamento delle gravidanze nelle donne affette da epilessia nella nostra esperienza. Dal nostro studio emerge che esiste un rischio maggiore di malformazioni fetali in donne epilettiche in terapia farmacologica rispetto alla popolazione generale. La probabilitĆ  di avere un bambino sano in queste donne ĆØ comunque superiore al 90%. Emerge una percentuale di Intrauterine Growth Restriction pari al 3%, di abortivitĆ  nel 1Ā° trimestre pari al 10% ed una percentuale totale di taglio cesareo pari al 41%

    Quantum Mechanics Study on Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Interactions in the Trivalineā€“Water System

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    With the aim to elucidate hydrophobic effects in the unfolded state of peptides, DFT-M062X computations on the Val<sub>3</sub>H<sup>+</sup>Ā·<i>n</i>H<sub>2</sub>O (<i>n</i> up to 22) clusters have been accomplished. As far as the main chain is concerned, four conformers with Ī²-strand and/or polyproline type II conformations, PPII (indicated as Ī²ā€“Ī², Ī²ā€“PPII, PPIIāˆ’Ī², and PPIIā€“PPII), have been found by changing the Ļ• and Ļˆ angles. For bare peptide, the side chain (isopropyl) of each residue can independently take on three different orientations with negligible effects on energetics. The great isopropyl spatial separations in Ī²ā€“Ī² and Ī²ā€“PPII conformers allow for the construction of synergic and extensive waterā€“water and waterā€“peptide H-bonding in the minimal hydration Val<sub>3</sub>H<sup>+</sup>Ā·22H<sub>2</sub>O models without significant steric encumbrance. Conversely, due to the proximity of the isopropyl of the central residue with the other two, some restrictions in the water shell construction around the peptide become evident for the PPIIā€“PPII conformer and the number of energetically accessible structures decreases. This is indicative of correlated motion involving isopropyls and backbone mediated by water molecules, the origin of the nearest neighbor effects. Comparing the thermodynamic data of Ala<sub>3</sub>H<sup>+</sup>Ā·22H<sub>2</sub>O and Val<sub>3</sub>H<sup>+</sup>Ā·22H<sub>2</sub>O, what emerges is that both hydration enthalpy and entropy drive the Ī²-strand stability of the latter

    Effects of Hydration on the Zwitterion Trialanine Conformation by Electronic Structure Theory

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    Exploration of interfacial hydration networks of zwitterion and nonionized trialanine has been performed using DFT-M062X quantum chemical computations explicitly considering up to 41 water molecules. The step-by-step water molecules peptide surrounding, carried out for unfolded extended (Ī²), polyproline II (PPII) conformations reveals the crucial importance of explicit solvent effects in stabilizing the zwitterion form and the left-handed PPII-helix ubiquitously found at room temperature for short polyalanines. Hydration effects are much greater for the ionized form of the peptide; thus, the zwitterion is about 10 kcal mol<sup>ā€“1</sup> more stable than the nonionized form. For the Ī² ā†’ PPII transformation, the two components of free Gibbs energy act in the opposite direction; thus, it is favored by enthalpy but not by entropy. These findings agree with experimental data that report an equilibrium between these conformers modulated by temperature. Thermodynamic functions of the four conformers (Ī²ā€“Ī², Ī²ā€“PPII, PPIIāˆ’Ī², and PPIIā€“PPII) for zwitterion trialanine are similar to those derived for the protonated one (Ala<sub>3</sub>H<sup>+</sup>); therefore, the peptidic conformation is independent of the pH of the solution. Rather, it reflects the high propensity of alanine toward PPII helix. The enthalpic preference of the PPII has electrostatic origin and it is owing to a more favorable interaction of dipole of each peptidic residue with water dipole of H-bonded molecules

    Potassium caffeate/caffeic acid co-crystal: the rat race between the catecholic and carboxylic moieties in an atypical co-crystal

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    The vast literature concerning caffeic acid and its derivatives lacks any reference to the solid state structures of its inorganic salts as these crystals are quite difficult grow. Most of the already published works deal with computational studies of these compounds as well as investigations of their behaviour in solution. Having obtained good quality potassium caffeate/caffeic acid co-crystals, we solved their structure and used a robust approach, already applied to caffeic acid alone, to compare the X-ray structure with the one inferred by Molecular Dynamics (MD), focusing our attention on the structure-property relationships. The reliability of this method is confirmed by the overall agreement extended up to the anisotropic displacement parameters calculated, on one hand, by means of MD and the ones gathered, on the other hand, by X-ray measurements. Moreover, the lack of experimental evidence of an enthalpically favored polymorph, arising from the MD calculations, were explained on the basis of the Shannon's entropy
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